Wednesday, January 30, 2013

creamy avocado coleslaw

It's no secret that I'm not a big fan of cooking. I think it takes far too much precious time and needs to be done far too often. Not to mention, I truly almost set my house on fire the other night by spilling grease on a hot burner.

In an effort to keep myself out of the kitchen and avoid death, I made a salad. It makes a ton too, so it's great for a potluck or eating throughout the week.

Creamy Avocado "Coleslaw"
5-6 cups shredded purple and green cabbage
2 ripe avocados

1 chopped red pepper
1 half chopped, red onion
3 tablespoons diced cilantro leaves

Lemon juice, sea salt and ground black pepper to taste

Use a food processor or blender to mix the avocados with some of the lemon juice until creamy. Stir it into all the rest of the ingredients in a large bowl and serve! No fire extinguishers needed. :)


  1. Randomly commenting on your most recent blog post - but wanted to connect. I am Lauren, wifey to a husband who has a very rare autoimmune disorder and recently (4 weeks ago)finally took matters into our own hands and began a primarly whole foods, 100% plant based diet. We have had lots of success already with my husband's symptoms and feel all around AWESOME. So from one wife to another - blessings, lots of hope and encouraged by your strength in making food your medicine!

  2. Wow, Lauren, thanks SO much for contacting me! That's amazing...congratulations on your success with your husband! We've been really struggling with my husband's diet as of late. He was already thin, but started losing dangerous amounts of weight/muscle mass, no matter what we did. So for now, we've added eggs, fish and chicken back into his diet, which helped within days. Please feel free to contact me, I'd love to stay in touch! :)
