Sunday, August 12, 2012

BYS Yoga Field Trip

Just a quick little post to thank BYS Yoga in the Southside for a wonderful class this morning! We really enjoyed practicing in a new (and gorgeous) atmosphere complete with beautiful sights, sounds and smells.
Entrance from Carson Street

I swear I don't normally make it a habit of taking pictures of the bathrooms in yoga studios I visit, but I just couldn't resist! I'm a sucker for old buildings and these photos don't nearly do it justice!

Undeniably gorgeous room for practice
View from inside the studio, facing the lobby
Kristi Rogers led us though a truly dynamic flow with what I found to be original and insightful cues. She worked us all over the mat in creative ways, which helped me to stay focused and present in the practice. Interesting modifications were offered for some of my favorite poses, but many of my old faithful asanas were also included. 

The class was topped off with a generous and peaceful savasana, with little lavender eye pillows for all! (Too bad I can't sew, or this would be a great yoga DIY project for my little studio!) Overall, it was a wonderful experience and just what I needed this morning.


UPDATE: If you're interested in lavender eye pillows, I recently found a WONDERFUL supplier on ebay that I can't say enough about. She creates handmade eye pillows and neck-wraps with a huge selection of fabrics and scents. I ordered some lavender and patchouli pillows for my studio (at around $4 each) and everyone loves them! <3


  1. Thanks for the shout out - loved having you join us!

    BYS Yoga

  2. Thanks for having us, Kristi, we loved it! Hope to make it down again soon! :)
