Thursday, June 20, 2013

5 fab hip opening postures

Our hips are a very important part of an overall healthy alignment. Many a knee or back complaint is actually a result of tight muscles surrounding the hip. Especially for those of us who are stuck at a desk all day, it's important to pay attention to the hip muscles, which often shorten and tighten from being in the contracted position for far too many hours.

Take a gander at a few of my favorite hip opening poses below and give the names a click for Yoga Journal's specific how-to. (The tips below just include the most common mistakes and modifications) Practice them carefully and mindfully, breathing deeply and being sure to not overstretch.
5 fab hip opening postures : wholehearter
5 fab hip opening yoga postures

1.) Stacked Log - This one can be uncomfortable or too deep for some, so pay attention. Make sure that the top ankle is out over past the bottom knee. Both sets of toes should remain flexed toward the shins and if your hips are tight, tuck the bottom foot in a bit. For more, fold forward, leading with the chest. For less, don't do it.

2.) Reclined Cobblers Pose - Let everything really relax here. It should feel great, but if it's too much, prop the knees up a bit with blocks or blankets. Hands can rest on the inner thighs like little weights, stretch up overhead, or take one hand to the ches and one to the belly to notice your breath.

3.) Dead Bug - Allow the knees come out as wide as they can, soles of the feet reaching up. For more, press the feet down with the hands, knees toward the armpits. For less, use a strap or a towel to hold the feet in the air. Wherever you are, be sure to press the navel down toward the mat, flattening out the lower back. From there, you may gently rock from left to right for Happy Baby Pose. 

4.) Low Lunge - Make sure that the knee is stacked over the ankle, not past the ankle. (You should be able to see your toes) If you need more, walk the back foot toward the back of your mat. If the grounded knee is sensitive, roll your mat or place a folded blanket underneath for support, or go eat a snack.

5.) Lizard Pose - The knee should be over the ankle again, here. You'll get more from it and protect the knee joint if you keep it that way. Don't worry about coming down far enough to make this look like you're in Cirque du Soleil, but do stop whenever you feel a nice, deep stretch. Keep the shoulders and neck relaxed wherever you are.

Stay tuned for a full breakdown on the glorious and infamous Pigeon Pose, which is also a huge hip-crowd-pleaser, but deserves its own post for those of you who think you hate it. Keep yoga-ing!

Friday, June 14, 2013

yoga playlists

I love creating custom playlists for different types of yoga, moods and seasons. If there is ever any music you'd like to hear, drop me a line or send me some songs and I'll gladly include them in an upcoming class!

Pump up the bass for this newest playlist:
yoga playlist

yoga playlist

yoga playlist

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Basic Yoga for Stiff Hips & Shoulders

Give yourself just 13 minutes to work through my new hip and shoulder opening sequence. I promise you won't regret it. :)


Tuesday, June 11, 2013

create your own mantra

The tangents that a busy mind travels down during meditation are sometimes surprisingly ridiculous. The other day, I sat down to clear my mind and 5 minutes later, I was actively thinking about detail. I've never even been surfing; my mind had been running absolutely wild. I reign it in, only to be yanked out of control in the next minute's daydreams. Know the feeling?
create your own mantra : wholehearter
This guy is probably thinking about something like roast-beef or the hole in his left sock.
There's nothing wrong with being distracted during meditation; it's only natural and it's what helps us to develop discipline. If it makes you feel any better, some say that even experienced practitioners can only truly keep a controlled mind for an average of about 3 breaths. But sometimes, your meditation might need a little extra help and that's where a mantra can come to the rescue.

A mantra is just a word or sound that is repeated either in your head or out-loud to help aid in concentration for meditation. If you know that you are going to have a rough time meditating before you even start, give yourself some time to develop a mantra to help guide you and stay on track.

1.) Eliminate obvious distractions. If you're hungry, get a snack. Shut your cell phone off. Put the kids away...etc. 
2.) Address internal distractions. Know what's bugging you most. Maybe even jot down a few things that are most stressful or distracting for you.  
3.) From there, take a look at your (hopefully small) list. Try to find a common thread, such as confusion, busyness or just stress in general. 
4.) Once you've found that common stress-inducing thread, think of the opposite feeling, word or emotion. Use that word (or a short phrase including that word) to create your mantra!  
If you're fighting feelings of chaos, your mantra might be or include the word   "peace" or "calm"
If your source of worry stems from an overwhelming calendar, you might repeat, "Now is my time for meditation" or "I am here."
If you are having trouble keeping a steady breath, a mantra could be as simple as: "I am breathing in. I am breathing out."

The more simple and obvious the mantra, the better. Let it be elementary; it doesn't have to look good on a t-shirt or sound like a Gandhi quote, it's just meant to give personal meaning and focus to your practice. The mantra can be slowly repeated over and over to give your mind a concrete focal point. 

Meditation is hard, but it's worth a shot if you're looking for a truly transformational shift in your life. Meditation practice is awesomely accessible because you don't need physical health to start, you don't need any special equipment, you don't have to sit in any special posture or wear certain clothes and you certainly don't have to be perfect. It's about the process. Sometimes, you still might find yourself just sitting quietly with your eyes closed, faking meditation, letting your mind fly in a hundred different directions. But at least you're being quiet for a few minutes. And at least you're trying. So keep going. :)